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Folkling x Potter's Daughter
"...So it was that two folks, who’d never met, decided, at the behest of a dream, in the midst of a global pandemic, to partner together to make heritage quilt coats.
We did what we could to find and save the oldest, the careworn, the tired, to give them new life and offer them to you as a new part of their history.
We invited them into our lives, cared for them, cleaned them (which is no small feat) and worked with the best parts, so we could help them find new homes with you."
The Heritage Quilt Coat Project focuses on education, preservation, and connection. Leney and I work to find and preserve quilts from the trash stream and share with you what we know about their history and heritage. We preserve and resell quilts in their wondrous art form as quilts but the ones that are beyond quilt form are reworked into new art to be lived a different life with you.
Redemption is possible.
Nothing is wasted.
Heed the dreams.
Take the risk.
Photos: Leney Breeden
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